21 June 2009


Gombloh: born in Jombang, East Java, July 14, 1948 - died in Surabaya, East Java, January 9, 1988.

, is a singer and song's creator that become legendary of indonesia's music. Gombloh is the creator of the Ballad songs sincere. Daily life of the people depicted in the many track songs, such as Doa Seorang Pelacur, Kilang-Kilang, Poligami Poligami, etc. like as Ballad songs singer at that time, such as Iwan Fals or Ebiet G. Ade, Gombloh also moved to write a song about the (damage) of nature. but many of the songs that He has created, Gombloh more known as the creator of nationalist songs. Gugur Gugur Bunga, Pesan Buat Negeriku, is some of the famous songs. even the song titled "Kebyar Kebyar" become the national anthem with the nuances of Pop and sung in many different events independence day commemoration, or national resurrection until now. and more terrible, Gombloh's songs was lifted in the research Martin Hatch, a researcher from Cornell University and is written as a scientific art works entitled "Social Criticsm in the Songs of 1980's Indonesian Pop Country Singers", which brought the music seminar in The Society of Ethnomusicology at the Toronto, Canada in 2000. Now, Gombloh is the memories live and died on January 9, 1988, after a long sickness. But Gombloh leave the track that great works and has become a legendary in the of indonesia's music history.

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