17 July 2009

Bom di Hotel JW Marriot dan Ritz Carlton Meledak, Puluhan Cedera

As many as six people killed in natural ascertained that. Victims died, including the President Director of PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Timothy Mackay

Hidayatullah.com-- powerful explosion in the JW Marriott Hotel, Kuningan and the Ritz Carlton, Friday morning, 17 July 2009, causing tens of people injured. Victims died, including the President Director of PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk (SMCB) Timothy Mackay became one of the victims.

According to Spokesperson Metro Jaya Regional Police, Commissioner of purpose Chrysnanda Dwi Laksana, explosion also caused dozens of victims of injury. Some dikabarkan critical. A number of victims treated at hospitals such as Jakarta Hospital and Metropolitan Hospital Medical Center or MMC.

Head of Operations Bureau of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Commissioner of Aris Wachyunadi, say, an explosion occurred at three points. Three points were in the lobby in the JW Marriott Hotel, outside the lobby outside the JW Marriott Hotel, and on the second floor restauran Ritz Carlton Hotel.

"There is some point explosion this morning, we're all through," he said.

Rumah Sakit (RS) MMC explosion victims flooded Jakarta JW Marriot Hotel and the Ritz Carlton. Previously, nine people had been to the hospital, the victim now grow into 29 people.

Name list of victims released by the hospital to MMC Pukul 09.30 WIB, Saturday, 17 July 2009, had been 29 names. But from the names were not called sex, age and origin of the victim and how the condition of the victim.

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