13 August 2009

Cerita Panas | Hot Stories

Women's Use Vibrator

Call a woman doctor, and ask for a visit "emergency". Receptionist says please come. The women rush to come and go directly to the check. The entrance and ask the doctor what the problem. The woman looks embarrassed to ask your doctor and check yourself what the problem.

According to the doctor, and started to review carefully. Do so after a while, the doctor lift the head and said, "Sorry, Bu. Given the location of the vibrator in and sign in, the operation requires a complicated, expensive and at risk to remove it."

With a bit glum face the woman said, "Wow ... I do not have the money Dock. But I have here, what doctor can replace the battery?"

Do not forget Use trousers

In a village lived a pair of lovers. The sad girl, because each kekasihnya always use apples come sheath, advised in the village.

Finally the girl said sad: "Mas, come to the house, do not use glove do the same .... a shame Mr.".

Finally, the lovers sad: "Yes, tomorrow Mas would like to buy the pants."

After buying the pants, the young tailor for sewing sewing materials trousers.

On the promised day, the youth back to the sewer to take the already trousers so. Still have the rest of the material 1 / 2 meter again. Take home only yaaa.

Youth is happy, so also trousers, thought. He went home, day and night direct to the home of the apple lovers to show off new panties. He is using trousers. But because of habit, he was also still using sheath.

The trip, the youth have a stomach ache. Because they do not hold, she ultimately to latrines.

Immediately after dispose intent, he hurry and forget to use sheath the new trousers.

When arrived at the home of the beloved, the girl said: "Mas ... Lho, kok still use glove, like he said a new pants."

With deft youth lift sheath saying: "... see Hhmm, Mas on new trousers."

At once the girl scream: "Ihhh .... very long ..."

With a proud smile of the young people said: "Iya nih ..... long. Still at home also have 1 / 2 meter again ......"

Waauuuwwww ......!!!!

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